10221 Krause Rd Suite 188 Chesterfield, Va. 23832-9998

Black Connections Security


Owner/Lead Instructor
Former Law Enforcement Officer with 18+ years of experience. Federal law enforcement 2010-2019: During this time with this DoD agency, I was tasked to play an intricate role in the successful organization of a Tactical Response Team, as SWAT Team Leader and then SWAT Commander. Prior experience came from 9 years of local law enforcement working in one of the most dangerous cities in America. Of those years, 7 were spent on the city’s Police SWAT Team completing over 200 tactical missions, I was unit lead on Street Crimes, made over 400 drug and warrant arrests, and spent hundreds of hours working DUI/DWI enforcement. Associates degree in Electronic Engineering with several years of managerial and technical experience. Throughout my law enforcement career I have attended and successfully completed two, 1 federal and 1 local, law enforcement training academies, 4 Dignitary/Executive/High Risk Environment Protection courses, 2 Basic SWAT courses, and several other federal advanced courses, which all included firearms, tactics, Executive Protection, hand to hand assault/counter-assault and advanced driving. Team leader for Protective Detail and motorcade movements while overseas in hostile territory from 2013-2014, Kabul Afghanistan.

I have received several instructor certifications to include:

National Rifle Association Instructor, Law Enforcement and Civilian

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